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What is the BWA working on? Read our latest updates below to find out about Commercial Rent, Paid Sick Days and other advocacy efforts and events. Got an idea for a blog article or video? Get in touch.

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Workshop: Cash Flow Planning for a Healthy Business

Workshop: Cash Flow Planning for a Healthy Business

Cash Flow Planning for a Healthy Business Key Takeaways from Our Cash Flow Planning Workshop In the ever-evolving landscape of small business management, understanding and optimizing cash flow has never been more crucial. This workshop, led by Tandem Innovation...

Introducing: Fair Path Delivery

Introducing: Fair Path Delivery

By Jess Carpinone, BWA Eastern Ontario Membership Co-ordinator & Co-Owner, Bread By Us As a conscientious business owner, I have never been comfortable with outsourcing aspects of my business to tech giants like Uber Eats or Skip the Dishes. Companies like these...

Ontario Bill 149: Working for Workers Four Act

Ontario Bill 149: Working for Workers Four Act

In 2024, the Ontario government is expected to table Bill 149: the Working for Workers Four Act. You can read more about the proposed act here - and we've selected some of the sections that foster progressive and sustainable workplace practices. If enacted, Bill 149...

Fall 2023 Events

Fall 2023 Events

We have two exciting events lined up for you!  On Tuesday November 28th, join us for Building Decent Work Into Your Brand.  On Tuesday December 5th, join us for Scheduling for Success!  Both of these events are free and open to BWA Members + the general public.  RSVP...

BWA September 2023 Newsletter

As is typical for September, we've suddenly gotten really, really busy!That means a looooong newsletter for you. So flag it in your inbox and come back to it while stirring a delicious sauce, or waiting for your kids at the pick-up zone, or sitting on the porch during...