How to be a good employer during a crisis and beyond

How to be a good employer during a crisis and beyond

Even as we’ve been figuring out a “new normal” since the start of COVID-19, decent work businesses are thinking about how to be a good employer during a crisis. After all, when we open up again, we want our staff to be financially secure. And we want...
Help for small businesses during COVID-19

Help for small businesses during COVID-19

The news changes day by day, but here’s what we know about help for small businesses during COVID-19 as of June 12, 2020. Help with staffing costs while business slows down 1. Wage subsidies – 75% CEWS and 10% CRA subsidy The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)...
Why do we charge what we do?

Why do we charge what we do?

Small Business, Money, and Ethics. Oh my! Sam here, with a post about my small business Broad Lingerie, money, and ethics. Talking about money is uncomfortable! Which is why most of us avoid it. But not talking about money means a lot of things go unknown or get...
Are people more likely to shop at decent work businesses?

Are people more likely to shop at decent work businesses?

Research shows that many care about the ethics of where they shop. A survey of millennial consumers showed, for instance, that 79% wished it were easier to know which companies have good practices. We all look for savings where possible. But given the choice, are we...
What is decent work and how does my business fit in?

What is decent work and how does my business fit in?

Photo by Charlize Birdsinger You might be on this site wondering what we stand for and how we differ from other awesome business groups out there (Ontario Living Wage Network, B Corp, and others), or asking yourself “does my company count as a decent work employer?”...
Hungry or Homeless

Hungry or Homeless

It’s pretty typical for politicians to make promises and then forget about them once elected. Not Doug Ford. Nope. He promised he would halt the increase in minimum wage come 2019 and he’s made it clear he plans to keep his promise. So who exactly benefits from this...